stay solid be liquid - yoga


hands on/assists – vinyasa workshop
Aichalehof 4
82449 Uffing am Staffelsee

2 Yoga-sessions à ca. 2h

Beginn 10.30h und ca.15.30

Wer übernachten möchte …

Reservierungen für Übernachtungen (Zeltplatz/Campingbus)
oder eine Unterkunft in Uffing buchen

~ yoga & swim 20.7.24

beat the heat

(Gut Kerschlach 1 82396 Pähl)
2 Yoga-sessions à ca. 2,15 h 
Beginn 10h und ca.16h

Schwimmen im Starnberger See/Nordbad Tutzing.
Lunch vor Ort möglich
Yoga-equipment mitnehmen.

 YogaTeachers im Wechsel

exciting news 1
ab DO den 15.FEB 2024 (19.45h)
Liebe yogistas,
einige von euch wissen ja schon …
Nach dem yoga-garden nun die yoga-shala …!

Die Räumlichkeiten sind grande.
Die yoga-shala am Rossmarkt 8.

Bei Interesse bitte zügig bei mir melden


 “Hello friends!


Join Günter this December for a Vinyasa-Restorative Master Class (or two!) at Studio Satya in North Austin. He will be leading sessions on the following dates:


Saturday, December 2nd, from 4-6 pm

Saturday, December 9th, from 5.30-7.30 pm


In his classes, Günter invites you to “stay solid, be liquid” with a vinyasa-restorative practice including movement, pranayama and meditation. Holding poses, refining poses, energy-based movements, spirals and circles, prana/chi will flow and make space for an enchanted state.


Günter is visiting us from Munich, Germany, where he teaches yoga sessions as well as teacher trainings and retreats across Europe. His classes are accessible to students of all levels.


To register, please reply to this email and save your spot. Space is limited, so please reply early! The fee for the workshop will be $40, and will be collected on the day of the class.

Be well!”


~ yoga & swim 22.7.23

beat the heat²

(Gut Kerschlach 1 82396 Pähl)
2 Yoga-sessions à ca. 2,15 h 
Beginn 10h und ca.16h

Schwimmen im Starnberger See/Nordbad Tutzing.
Lunch vor Ort möglich
Yoga-equipment mitnehmen.

 YogaTeachers im Wechsel


Dear friends!

In this class, Günter invites you to “stay solid, be liquid” in his vinyasa-restorative practice with elements of pranayama and meditation. Holding poses, refining poses, energy-based movements, spirals and circles, prana/chi will flow and make space for an enchanted state.


Check-in and settle                        9.30 – 10.00 am

Morning session                            10.00 – 12.15

Lunch break, afternoon check-in     12.15 – 2.00

Afternoon session                          2.00 – 4.15  

To register, please reply to the email ( and let us know which session you would like to attend (morning, afternoon, or both). Space is limited, so please reply early! The fee for the workshop will be $90 for the full day or $50 for a single session (either morning or afternoon) to be collected at the retreat.


Location: 11008 Tangleridge Circle, Austin, TX 78736

Learn all about Wood Haven here:

Carpool if you can! (Parking is fairly limited)

suprasolid – suprafluid
Samstag 25.3.23 14-16:30h

mit Henriette & mir im

Studio Lehel –
Robert-Koch-Str. 13

Fließende Bewegungen wechseln mit kräftigenden Haltungen, lassen die Körperwahrnehmung und den Energiefluss immer wieder neu erleben.

Haltende Posen, verfeinernde Posen, energiebasierte Bewegungen, Spiralen und Kreise, Prana/Chi wird fliessen und Raum für einen verzauberten Zustand schaffen.

Ton -.. ~ .
Raum – — ²
Körper °°°
Resonanz \//– ‘
~ Bewegung ~~
Am Anfang still … – –
Dann der Klang – ;
Vertrauen ___
Geste =]+[

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